Friday, January 4, 2013


Snowbaby: To make the snowbaby you have to push two very small snowballs together (if they’re too large you’ll create the snowmama!). The snowbaby will only give you a gift when you have made the other 3 snow-people, perfectly. He will reward you with one of two items,

Snowman: The snowman is pretty much the same as in the previous series - you roll two snowballs together, and make a snowman. However he has to be perfect in order to reward you. If you make him perfectly, he will complement you and send you a letter the next day with an item from the Snowman Series. If you make him incorrectly you’ll simply get nothing.

Snowmama: The snowmama will ask you to give her snowflakes. If you make her perfectly, she will only ask for 3 snowflakes, if you make her imprefectly she will instead ask for 5. Snowflakes will randomly fall from the sky during the winter months, which can be caught with your net. When you give the snowmama snowflakes she will reward you with a piece of the Ice Series

Snowpapa: he snowpapa will ask to play bingo with you. He will give you a bingo card, and each day when you talk to him, he will roll his eyes and they will land on a number. If you have the number on your card you can check it off your card. If you don’t, it’s too bad. You can make multiple snowpapa’s, or visit other peoples towns and talk to their snowpapa’s to get more than one number per day. When you get bingo (5 in a row) he will reward you with a piece of the Ski Series

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